Every Sail is attached to a Mast, with the Ship's Main Mast having a ladder allowing access to the Ship's Crow's Nest and Ship Flag Box. Masts are one of the ship's elements that can sustain damage from Cannon fire and Gunpowder Barrel explosions. Each mast can sustain three Cannonball hits or one chainshot worth of damage until it completely breaks and falls down. Additionally, any explosion close to the mast is enough to break it. As expected, any broken mast hinders the maneuverability and movement of the Ship and should be taken care of as soon as possible. A broken mast first requires to be completely raised. First you raise the sails of the broken mast and then you begin to raise the whole mast itself. Once the mast is up, it needs to be quickly fixed with Wooden Planks or else it will fall down again from movement or damage. Each mast takes around 2 to 3 planks to fix, with each crack notifying one stage of damage. Before masts fully break they receive cracks, which can be fixed early to prevent it from breaking.
aot crack vines 1 hour
I experienced tinnitus starting 1 to 2 hours after receiving my 1st Moderna injection. It lasted two weeks and now seems to have resolved. As far as the second shot, no comparison between ringing ears or possible death. Im going back for shot #2.
I experienced sudden hearing loss in my left ear about an hour after receiving a Mederna vaccine. My primary care felt like my hearing would return. I finally saw an ENT after 7 weeks and I may be too late for treatment and may suffer permanent hearing loss. I am very distressed about this and would like to encourage others suffering the same sudden hearing loss to see an ENT right away.
I got my first Moderna shot Wednesday (yesterday) about 10am. Took a nap a few hours later and the ringing in my ears woke me up at 2pm. Still have ringing today, Thursday. It is about a 7 on a scale of 1 (silence) to 10 (post loud concert). Did not have tinnutus before. No other symptoms, not even a sore arm.
I received my first Modena shot in late December with minimal reaction (sore arm, swollen lymph node). My second dose was exactly 3 weeks later, and 14 hours after my second shot, I had a weird sensation in my right ear. The following morning, I woke up with complete hearing loss in that ear. I did high dose steroids which seem to help a little, but I still have tinnitus and am very hard of hearing in that ear. They also did an MRI of my brain with contrast which was WNL. I am a healthy 35yo F with no PMH.
Within 24 hours of the 1st Pfizer vaccine 1/22 I woke up to a very loud disturbing ringing in both earsStarted the Doctor visits, the ENT , ultrasound, MRI , hearing tests, steroids. Tests found no reason for the tinnitus. The ENT said there is a pandemic of tinnitus right now.I reported my side effect to Pfizer and the VAERS database as suggested above. I thought I was going crazy in the first couple weeks and bought a book called Living with Tinnitus to try and do something to help myself as it seems no one else can. I did have the second dose as both doctors said I should and I already have tinnitus so a least I am protecting my family. Its been a terrible time for me as all of you know who are experiencing this. It was so good to know I am not alone.
Hi, I also have tinnitus after having the Moderna vaccine. About a week after my first shot I started experiencing ringing in my ears. I checked the side effects of the vaccine and did not see it listed, so I thought it was just a coincidence. Talked to my doctor and she said tinnitus is indicative of hearing loss. So, I have scheduled an appointment for a hearing test and a visit with an ENT. Today I had my second Moderna shot and within an hour or so the tinnitus was much worse. I did some additional research and found this page. Glad to at least know what caused the tinnitus.
On Wed 3/17/21 I had the first Moderna shot in left arm. I was nervous about it, knowing there are always side effects. Approximately 5 hours afterwards I developed tinnitus/high pitched ringing in both ears, but seems to be a bit more severe in right ear. Typical symptoms that night, tired, achy. Those went away the following day but the ringing remains and my hearing seems to be more sensitive than usual. Today (6 days in) it feels as if my balance may be off, but is manageable.
ITHE TH j WASHJLWTUN V AtHLllU JUALhkS 1 1 i1ES illi d SUNDAK LNDAl LND JULY 5 JVNj no OKING HORSE TO RULE RULEJERSEYS RULEJERSEYS RULECIC JERSEYS JERSEYSGAYEST GAYEST CITY CITYOver 500 Entries for Equine EquineShowShow at Inlet Park ParkAf ParkAffair ParkAffair Af Affairfair Promises Much MuchFamous MuchFamousFamous Stables Listed ListedGolf ListedGolfGolf Links Draw Many Vis Visitors Visitors Visitors itors Many Prominent ProminentWashingtonians ProminentVVashingtonians ProminentWashingtoniansWashingtonians Visiting Visitingatat the City by the Sea SeaATLANTIC SeaATLA SeaATLNF1CIATLANTIC ATLA IC CITY July 4001 l Ovar 00 00entries 00entrlos OOentrozentries aro booked Zor or 01 the horso show showat showat showatat Inlet Park noxt weok and the event eventwill contW11lwill bo tho most brilliant of tho season souaonThe soaSOllThe seasonTheThe ofllcialB have announced a finer finershowing finerahowing finerihowinshowing ihowin than has ha over before boon at attempted nttempted attempted tempted in Atlantic City and the ovo ovolution ovolutlon ovolutlonlutlon of an animal fair Into an exposi exposition oxposltion oxposition tion of equine aristocracy and human humanparticularly humanparticulnrly humanDartleularlyparticularly feminine beauty and smart smartness smllrtncss smartnesa ness Is now complete Reginald Van Vnndorbllt Vandorbllt Vxtndorbiltdorbllt will make his initial entry In InAtlantic InAtlantic inAtlanticAtlantic City Tho horses that ho has hasbooked basbOOked ba babookedbooked are nearly all winners of the theblue theblueblue in other competitions and there thereis therois thereis Iis an unusual number of fine animal animalfrom animalafrom animalifromfrom famous stables listed listedIndependence HstedIndependonco listedIndopondoncoIndependence Day had a proper and un or orderly orderly ordeny derly observance here There was no nogeneral noIenornl nogeneralgeneral public demonstration but the thoflag thellag theflagflag was everywhere In evidence and andnearly andneariy andnearlynearly everybody wore a knot of red redwhite redwhlle redwhitowhite and blue The Ventnor Yacht YachtClubs YachtClubs YachtClubsClubs marine parade this morning was wasa wasa wasaa picturesque affair and the races in the theafternoon thenfternoon theafternoonafternoon attracted a large number numb r of ofpeople Ofpeople ofpeoplepeople who accepted the the hospitality of oftho oftbo ofthethe Atlantic City Club house A boll bolltonight halltonight hailtonighttonight will complete tho events eventsGolfers ovontsGolfers eventsGolfersGolfers Enjoy Sport SportThe SportTho SportTheThe Xorthfiold Links are ro in excellent excellentcondition excellentcondition excellentcofldttioncondition and redcoated golfers arc aromaking arcnakingmaking the place attractive to enthusi enthusiasts onthUsl onthUslnst8 onthualants ants of the game Inlet Park was given givenover givenoverover to competing baseball clubs clubsCapt clubsCaptCapt Charles D Sigsbeo U S X is laat isnt Isat Iat Youngs Hotel for the summer summerDr summorDr summerDrDr Robert Reyburn the only surviv surviving surl surllng survlvIng ing member of the quartet of surgeons surgeonswho surgeonswho surgeonswhowho attended President Garfield on his hisdeathbed hIsdeathbod hisdeathbeddeathbed Is with his wife at tho Hotel HotelRaleigh HotelRalefgh HotelRnlelghRaleigh Dr Reyburn is a resident of ofWashington o oWnshington ciWashingtonWashington D C CCol CCol CColCol Lewis T Bryant and Lieut Wal Walter Walter Val Valter ter E Edge of Governor Murphys staff staffattended statnttonded staffattendedattended tho anniversary of the battle battleof battleot battltofof Monmouth onmouth in Freehold N J as dele delegates delosates dologates gates from Atlantic City to tho patriotic patrioticcelebration patrlollccolebratIon patrlotkcelebrationcelebration celebrationAmong colebratIonAmonS celebrationAmongAmong other famous sailors who have havecome haocome SSIcome within the last few days to tflthln tflthlnshore tothis tothisshore thls thlsshore Ishore are Commander William i1llam X Nou Nouman ou oumanman manS U S X who is registered at the thoBraxtoa theDraxton IBraxtoa and Commander Fremont also alsoof alsoof alstof Iof the American navy nlv who is stopping stoppingat stoppingIlt stcppInatat the Brighton BrightonJ BrlhtonJJ D Catowood U S N is also a alate aJate a alatelate arrival at the Loralno and Albert AlbertEngard AloortEngard AlbertEngardEngard is visiting his mother here for fora fora foxaa short leave of absence from his ship shipwhich shipThlch I Iwhichwhich is ono of the White hlle Squadron SquadronAfter SquadroDAftorAftor an absence of twenty years yearsCapt yoarsClpt yearsCapt ICapt J 3 D Rhoados of Washington D DC DC DCC returned to Atlantic City to find aa aamany asmany as asmanymany changes as Rip Up Van Winkle found foundfa round1n foun IItfa the village of Falling Water after aftersimilar a asimilar asimilar tsimilar absence absenceVentnor abscnceVentnor nbenceVcntnorVentnor Changes ChangesVentnor ChangesVentnor ChangesVentuorVentnor improvements will benefit the thevhole theT th thoholuT vhole holu iiland The extension of the theboardxvalk theboardwalk th thboardwalkboardwalk down through Ventnor Is Isonly Isonly I SSIonly a 1 link In the chain whloh will willspeedily willspeedUy wit witspeedily Ispeedily weld tho Interests of every everysection overysection OVCr I Isectionsection of AbBecon Island together togetherChelsea togetherCbtsOlChelsea is promoting a plan for a pier pierand plorand plo ploand rand the fashionable district is contin continually contlDuall ually uall adding to Ha already attractive attractivefeature attractivofeaturos attractlvfeaturo 0feature Property is booming and bust business buslI1CS bustflea ness flea In 1 assuming enormous proportions proportionsin 3 3Inin cvcry Dart art rt of the city cityWashingtonians clt cltWashingtonians cityWanhingioniansWashingtonians at Seashore SeashoreThe SeashoreThe SeashoreTheThe following residents ro Idcn8 of Wahlng Washington Wahlngton Wahlngton ton are stopping at loading Atlantic AtlanticCity AUllntleCft e eCityCity Cft hotels hotelsRaleigh hotelsRaloItblrRaleigh RaloItblr Mr and Mr Mrs r Latlmer B BAlbandan DAltanden I IAiandn 3Albandan B Loman Mr and Mrs Irs S SE 5EE Moortf B 0 Myers 170r Mr Ir and Mrs MrsGeorge Mr Irs IrsGeoge 5George H MeDonaldson W V II Moran MoranJohn MoraxJohn IoranJoh1 SJohn Q Sheeby T Wood WoodRudolf WoodPtdolrRudolf PLdolfMr Mr Ir and nd Mrs Mn ra A Graham Gr ham Mr Mrand M Ir Irnnd rand Mrs Ira White Mlse llla E White Mlsa MlsaWhite MIs 1158 1158f Isf White Mias i Richardson Rlehad on E D Ap Applrton AI AIpltton Atpleton Iplrton plrtonSt plttonStSt Charlos CbarlosC C Drapur A Voters F FBolgiftno FDQICil I rItBolgiftno DQICil Do Mrs J 1 Gibson Gi n W v Spoare It ItWlllett RW1l1el I IW11lett tWlllett J JC 1 C Dowcll DowcllStrand DonllStrandNo DoscllStrandNStrand StrandNo X Budnell Mr Ilr and nd Mrs trs A JBurt G Robertson RobertsonTraymoreM RobertsonTrayxnoreM N NTraymoreTraymore TraymoreM M J 1 Colbort Mrs Irs M I J JColbert JColbert T TColbertColbert Mrs lr8 M Colbert Mrs Irs F H HJlowe HHovre HHoweHowe F 1 R Howe HoweSterling HoweSttrUngfr howeSterlingMrSterling SttrUngfr Mr and Mrs H B Lorry LonryII LorryH IosryHH B Leery Jr Miss lIss Helen L Lcary LcaryM Ltal LearytM 1 W Leery oary M C Loary tary R J Earn EarnEhnir Earnshaw Earnalmashaw G W Dozer Jr Mrs G Cope Copeland Copeland Copelandland Miss USfJ M 1 Copaland Mrs Doarios DoariosSS T Stearns StearnsArlington StearlUJArllngtonIr StearnArlingtonMrArlington ArllngtonIr Mr and Mrs ilr William Linn LinnN LlDDN LinuNN K Vanarsdale VanarsdaleBraxtonH Vanar8daleBtaxtonH VanaredaleBrextonlIBraxtonH N Wilson UlIOn Miss Joan JoanMoncure W WMoncure WMoncureMoncure Eugene ugne W Moneuro Audrey AudreyMoncure Audreyloncure AudreyMoncureMoncure loncure Mrs W Yo D Morgan Mrs lrs T TLydetC TLydett TLydettLydett LydetCBrevoort LydettDreoortMr LydettIIrevoortMrLBrevoort DreoortMr Mrs H Koonno Miss Vera VeraKoenno VeraKoenn VeraKoennoKoenno Koenn > > Miss f1fJ Ethel Koonno oonne Harry HarryKocnne HarryKoenne IfarryKoenneKoenne KocnneCarlsbad KoennearJ KoennearIsbadGCarlsbad arJ arIsbadG badG G Beebo BeeboEthelyn DeeboEthelyn BeebeEthelynEthelyn Mrs E Yeatman Mrs J JJanes JJanos J JJanosJanos Miss Is Fannie Taylor M 1 Carroll CarrollH CarrollHH Slaves J 1 Tate TateGlondulff tateGlendalfSlIs8 rateGlondaleMISSGlondulff GlendalfSlIs8 Mlse Gllllss E P Wortz WortzMrs WortzMrs WortzMrsMrs Sims Mise UH Addle PuBoy Miss URII Helen HolonPusey BalunPUllcy HelenPuseyPusey PuseyArcbdale PUllcyArchdalo PuseyArebdaleMissArcbdale ArebdaleMiss Miss UH Edith Compton Ml Mtee MteeEmily l1i l1iEmil n nEmilyEmily Emil Sleman E L Ravieell M L LBancroft LDancroCt LBancrofLBancroft BancroftiBlocworth DancroCtIsloGworth BancrofLIsiosworthNiBlocworth IsiosworthN X Wilson Ulion Miss lIs8 Rebecca RebeccaBcbrend RebeccaDcbrend RebeccaBebrendBcbrend Miss L 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ansonPomanQRoman RomanO G Cubson M 1 Strasburger StrasburgerStrath StrasburgerStrath StrasburgerStrathStrath Haven lIavonP P Koplingor KoplingorHuddon KcpllnrorHaddon ICoplingorHaddonHaddon Hall HallE E E Johnson Mrs Irs M MP MCooper I IPP Cooper A Portmon Mrs D Smoot SmootMiss SmootMIss SmootMIssMiss E Polk J Gibson Mrs J 1 GIbson GibflonLolande GIbsonLolmduMlss GibsonLolandeMissLolande LolmduMlss Miss Strasbcrgcr StrasbcrgcrPalmer StrasberserPalmor StrasbcrgerPalmerMissPalmer PalmerMiss Miss lIss Sadie M Buchman G GMetzger OIctzger 0MetzgerMetzger MetzgerBrighton MetzgerBrightonMrs IctzgerBrlghtoDMrsBrighton BrlghtoDMrs Mrs J J C Fremont Com Commander Commander Cornmandor mander Fromont U S N Mrs E H HAbercromble HAborcrombleAbercromble Mrs W C Hill Miss IIS8 Hill HillThomas HillThomasThomas N Gale W V C Hill HillGrand HillGrandGrand Atlantic AtlantlcMrs Mrs Bartlet J 1 W WRannln WRannin WRanninRannin W A Britton Charles H Bak Baker Bakere er ere Miss 1155 Maud Wallcnt Samuel H Fen Fenton Fentonton t on J 1 A Russell RussellAvoca RusscllAvoclMrsAvoca AvoclMrs Mrs L T Hurley Miss A E EHurley EHurlc EHurleyHurley Hurlc Mrs Irs F Hurley HurleyAnchorage Hurle HurleAnchorago HuricyAnchoragot1Anchorage Anchoragot1 M L J Schwlnghammcr SchwlnghammcrHorton SchwinghammerHortonIr SchwinghnmrnerHortonMrHorton HortonIr Mr and Mrs Irs W C Elliot BillotJohn Elliot1ohn lIIotJohn W Williams WilliamsChalfonto WilliamsChalContoR WilliamsChalfontoRChalfonto ChalContoR R Treon U S N S SGoodwin SGoodwin SGoodwinGoodwin Reah Frazer U S N NChester NChoateI NChesterChester Inn InnThomns Thomas G Jones Mrs MrsThomas MrsThomas MrBThomaaThomas Jones Mr and Mrs C E Hal Halley Hallay HalIcylayChelsea ChtlseaO G C Long Miss Knox Miss MissCarlisle MissCarlisle 5 5CarlisleCarlisle Oscar Osc r Luckett Mrs J 1 G Irons IronsJ IronsJJ 1 M 1 Forsyth PorsythDunlop ForsythDunlopl ForsythDuniopTDunlop Dunlopl T E Durby Frank E Henry HenryW HcnryW HenryWW H Bonnet J H Fisher FisherBerkshire FisherBerkshire FisherBerkshireBerkshire Inn InnIr Mr and Mrs H M MForakcr lL lLForaker MForakerForaker G E Lowls Mrs E Hayes HayesMorton HayesMortonG HayesMortonGMorton MortonG G Judd Miss F S Hanson HansonT HnusonTT Childs Mrs lrs BoWivin BoWivinClarion Dnlth1nClarionA BahiwinClarionAClarion ClarionA A C Carpenter Miss Car Carpenter Carpentor Carpeater penter Mr and Mrs H D Nicholson tchohJon J JL JIL 1 Lyon Mrs C J 1 Heller F J Green GreenMrs OreenIrs GreenMrsMrs Irs A T Anderson AndersonPonce AndersonPonco AndersonPoncoPonco do Leon LeoDH H Whitaker Miss MissHelntzclman MissHeintzolman Mls 3 3HointzolmanHelntzclman O Bleekor BleekorRevere BleekerRevereMrs BleekorRevereMrsRevere RevereMrs Mrs T H Smith Dyer Smith SmithMrs SmithMrs SmithMrsMrs F B Smith SmithRoyal SmithRoyal SmithRoyalRoyal Palace Pal PalacoM ac oM M Moore MooreDennis MooreDonnlsMr MooreDonnisMrDennis DonnlsMr Mr and Mrs Frank C HenryMrs Irs George Geo1 o W Casllcar Miss Mi Gene C t tCobbCobb F Caailcar C Holmhurst HolmhurstL I S Stone StoneRlchmondCharles StoneRicbmond4bariezRichmond RlchmondCharles Charles H HansonIroquois IroquolsT T Cardlck Mr and Mrs MWalace C Wolf Wolf1 J I Rowzer RowzerYoungs Roz r rYoungBCaptYoungs YoungBCapt Capt Charles D SIgsbee U rS X XLoralnoMraXLoralneLoralne LoralnoMra Mra C McClure Miss MlssC Mta C CMerer M Merer erer G L 1 Cunningham CunDlnghnnII Miss C Mercer McCall Muecer Iuecer Charles SMuecor Mr and Mrs R Reese J 1 D DGatewood DGatewood DGatewoodGatewood U S A ALawrence ALawrencoIrs ALawrenceMrsLawrence LawrencoIrs Mrs J 1 Febby FebbyMount febb febbIount ebbyMount Iount Vernon VernonCo C E Brown Mr and andMrs anl11011s ani I IMrsMrs L 1 C Miller MillerPennhurst MillerPenuhuratMiss Uller UllerPennhur3tMlssPennhurst Pennhur3tMlss Miss M Kirk KirkWindsor KirkVlndsor KirkWindsorMrsWindsor WindsorMrs Mrs frs L 1 F Mclntlre J 1 C CSullivan CSullivanSullivan Mrs Irs J 1 C Sullivan SullivanAnchorage SullhanAnchorageMrs SuliivauAnchorageMrsAnchorage AnchorageMrs Mrs S Parmclln PormcllnGladstone ParmcllnGladstonoMrs ParmcllnGladstoneMrsGladstone GladstonoMrs Mrs Scbooley ScbooleyAltamont Schoole SchooleAJtamont SchooleyAltamontAltamont Craig Hall Hal1lr Mr and Mrs MrsO Mr3O 1O H Curtis Mrs W V Leavltt LeavlttClarendon LeavittClnrendon LoavlttClarcndonMrClarendon ClarcndonMr Mr Ir and Mrs M 8 M I Newton NewtonMr NewtonMr NewtonMrMr and Mrs Irs H Snyder SnyderAldinc SnderAldIncC Snyder4tldincCAldinc AldIncC C Snyder S Singer SingerAvalon SIngerAaloa SingerAvalonMrsAvalon AvalonMrs Mrs rs L May Miss 1Iss E L LRnn LRnndaJl Ran Randall Randall dall dallElwood daJlElElwood El ElwoodMrs wood Mrs rs A E Kennard KcnnardSenate KennardScnate1r KennardSenateMrSenate Scnate1r Mr and Mrs J 1 Id i Kurtls KurtlsXew KurUsXew KurtlaNewXew England EnglandW W Brooks BrooksMaryborough BrooksIarlboroltsh BrooksMarlboroughMarlborough House HousoMrs Mrs C E Miller MillerMiss MlllorllsIMiss lls M 1 Baldwin Miss ss Leeds LeedsManhattan LeedsIanbattl1nJ LeedsManhattnnJManhattan Ianbattl1nJ J J 1 Milroy MilroySeaside Mllro MllroSeasIde MllroySeasideSeaside Houso HousoR R Ballantyno W V Ballontyne G A Bowen Mrsi lr8 Bowen Mias Mis 1185 SBowen Miss Uss J Hepueslate HcpncslateRlttcnhouEO HepueslateRittenhouseFRlttcnhouEO RittenhouseF F F Conroy A L I gShields George Wlltbank Mrs r8 G H I IDouglass Ellis H Wetherman retherman Harry HartKaufman Q B Holraan W V F French LLandon LnndonI1cs LandonM Mifis Jennie Smith SmithSan SmithSan SmithSanSan Jose JoseMrs Mrs Irs P F Hughes Paul F FHughes HuchcsRunnymedc HwhesRunnymed HughesRunnymedeMrsRunnymedc RunnymedeMrs Mrs Irs Darlington DarlingtonChotwoodc DarlingtonCholoodt DarlingtonChotwoodcMChotwoodc ChotwoodcM M l C Mltchall MltchallHudson MitchallHudson Utchal1 Utchal1HUdsonHudson Hall UallMrand HallMr Mr and Mrs Irs JudgeWestminster WostmlnsterC C F Burt flurtdrs Airs Irs X Gil Gilon GUon Gilonon onAtKlonAtKlon AtJlen1 M C Mitcball MitcballPiorrepont MitchallPiorropontMlag UtebnllPlorrolJOntPiorrepont PiorropontMlag Miss US8 L Ladell C W LadollSNOW IN DENVER DENVERDEXVER DENVERDEo DENVERDENVERDENVER DEo tER Col July 4 4Indopendeuco 4IndopendeucoDay Independence IndependenceDay o oDayDay was observed hero in a snowstorm snowstormYoungsters snowstormYoungsters i iYoungstersYoungsters with guns and crackers wcro wcrocompelled Wer WercOUlpellod e ecoinpellodcompelled to cast aside their patriotic patrioticnoise patrloUenoise patr1ot Ic IcnoIsenoise makers and seek shelter in their theirrespective tholrrellpcctlve the in inrespectiverespective homes The storm today is Sa record breaker for this time of year yearENDS yearENDS yearENDSENDS LIFE IN CEMETERY CEMETERYWOODBURY CEMETERYWOODBuRY CEMETERYWOODDURYWOODBURY Conn July JuJ 4 After Aftersearching Sr SrsearchIngsearching unsuccessfully for her bus 5bands band 8 grave in a cemetery here Mrs Mr lrH NJohn Thompson an aged widow at at I tempted suicide wcidc by drinking laudanum aShe will probably dieDANGEROUS CHEWING CHEWINGHABITS CHEWINGHABITSHABITS OF CHILDREN CHILDRENXail CHILDRENXall CHILDRiENaII IXail ehowinsj chowln says ay a writer in aFrench scientific Journal causes an ap at preciable Increase inthe childs ex e punses at school and net only that but bx itit is apt to bring brln on appendicitis appeDdlcitlscoormngAccording coormng to Dr Placlde ponholdera ponlxoldeought to bo dipped in add In order thatthe better lter taste may repel the child childwho childwho childwhowho tints uts them In his mouth mouthAA habit of gnawing nawln hair has not beenhitherto generally lenora11 observed except with lt4animals Men In however have the sametastes tasto as their lower brethren for cases c sehave been reported from various quar quarters QUartors quartore tore of the world in which growths havebeen beonfound found in the stomach consisting constrJtln constrJtlnwhollywholly of fragments of wood and hair h rTlure was the case of a young girl of ofeleven orcleven ofeleveneleven yonre who was accustomed tobite off the cuds of her hair and whose whosestomach whosetomach whosestomachstomach it was necessary to open to re remove remoe rcmove move therefrom an enormous hairy ball ballweichlnK ballwulghlng ballweirhtugweichlnK a poundTo these varieties Of r biters Dr Tala Talamor Talamor Talamormor has added another that of thread thrcadoatori threadcatlrB threadeatvrsoatori Lot us hear him himI hImhaveI have Just obaorved the following followingcase rOllowlngCAse followingcasecase of a young youn girl lrl of eighteen c1 htecu a adrisamaker adrs adriesunakerdrisamaker drs maJer who was under my care for fora torn forUa slight Indisposition when the nurse nursetold nunf nunftold nursetoldtold mc that the patient passed her hertime hertlmc hertimetime in gnawing gm wln at her woolen shawlIn four or five days a a third of tho gar garment garment gayinent ment had been eaten Tho patient told toldus toldus toldusus that In tho previous pr ing In the country and at leisure shehad eaten a whole shawl In less than thanaa month monthThis ri1onth1111s ziionthThisThis observation is not isolated Thehabit of gnawing cloth 1oth or thread is cer certainly certaInly ccrtainly tainly very cry frequent among workers workerswith workerwith workerswithwith tho needle ne dle but It has not yet ot re received recelvod tocelvod celvod sufficient attention although it itmay Itway itmaymay hae given rise to much graver gravertroubles gnLv gravertroublos r rtroublostroublos than nailbiting nailbitingSSTHREE EVENTS PLAYED PLAYEDON PLAYEDON PLAYEDONON CHEVY IIEYY CHASE ASE LINKS LINKSWW v G a Peter Wins Two Cups Cupsin CUIJSin Cupsinin Handicap Stroke StrokeLAFFERTYS StrokeLAFFERTYSLAFFERTYS BOGIE HANDICAP HANDICAPProgram HA lDICAP lDICAPProgramProgram Which Gave Promise of Good GoodSport GeodSport GoodSportSport Interfered With by Heavy HeavyDownpour HeavyDownpour HeavyDownpourDownpour of Rain RainThe RainThe RainTheThe golf program at Chevy Che Chase yes yesterday yesterday terday t which gave promise of good goodsport goodsport goodportsport s port was cut to nieces by the heavy heavyshowers heavyshowersshowers s in tho afternoon afternoonThree arternoonThreeThree events were carded for which whichflve whichfive whichvefive fi ve prizes prl s were offered One of these thesecups thosecupscups c ups was offered in competition by the theclub theclubclub c lub and the remaining four by GenA OenA Gen CciiAA E Bates Col F L Denny Denn C R Ed Edwards Edwards Edwards wards and Charles J 1 Bell BellTo DollToTo tho player making the best score scoreIn scoreIn aeon IIn i n tho morning play of the handicap handicapstroke handicapstroke Istroke competition was to be awarded awardeda Ia handsome cup CU This trophy fell to tothe tothe Ithe lot of W V G Peter who with a ahandicap nhandicap rhandicap of eight completed tho course coursein cour5eInin 71 strokes The second prize was waswon waswonwon by G T 1 F Dunlop who had a net notscore netscoro netscone Lscore of 75 75Mr 75MrMr Peter also won the cup offered to tothe tothe tc tcthe Sthe player turning in tho best score for forthe forthethe allday play which included the themorning thcmorning thi thimorningmorning and afternoon rounds of the thehandicap thebandlcnphandicap stroke competition His total totalscore totalscore totascore iscore was 151 151Mr 15L 15LMrMr Peters Fine Play PlayMr PlayMrMr Peters work w rk in the morning round roundwag roundwas rotirn rotirnwaa Iwag excellent He completed tho eight eighteen elghtCen en holes In seventynine strokes With Withhis WithhJs tWILlShis handicap of eight deducted this thisgives thisgives thu thugIves Sgives seventyone strokes to his credit creditWhen credihenWhen hen tho poor condition of the greens greensis greeDsIsis 1 taken In consideration his hi Vas truly trulya trulta Pa remarkable performance It Is not notevery noteyery not tevery day that one can can make such a acreditable acreditable Icreditable showing showln over a watersoaked watersoakedcourse wntersoakedcouue Icourse In the afternoon play however howeverhis howeverhishis hi work depreciated materially It took tookhim tookhim toolhimhim eightyeight strokes to cover the thecourse thecourse thicourse giving him a net score of eighty eightyThe eightyTheThe links were in oven worse condition conditionin conditiotin 1in tho afternoon and this probably ac accounts accounts accounts counts for the o falling off In his work workFollowing workFollowing ork orkFollowingFollowing Is his card for the day dayMorning dayMornlngotlt dayMorningOttMorning Mornlngotlt OUt 5 4 5 3 5 4 5 6 3 3In 3ID 3IIn 4 7 5 4 3 4 4 4 4 419 79 actual actualstrokes actunlstroker actuaztroke Istrokes strokesAfternoon stroker strokerAfternoonOut ztrokeAfternoonOutAfternoon AfternoonOut Out 5 5 5 4 5 4 6 7 4 4In 4InIn 4 5 6 4 4 5 5 6 4 488 8S actual actualstrokes actua lctualstrokcs 1strokes strokesEE V Sumner Jr who was was looked lookedupon lookedupon lookeiuponupon as 5 tho winner IDI1er of this event com completed completed cornfpleted the course In a n less number of ofstrokes ofstrokes o ostrokes fstrokes than any of the competitors competitorsHis competitorsHisHis gross score was 85 in the morning morningand mom morniutand InK InKand gand 80 0 In the afternoon afternoonBogie arternoonBogie afternoonBogieBogie Handicap HandicapTho HandicapThoTho bogie bo lc handicap match tho last lastevent lastevent las tevent carded brought out only a meager meagerfield meagerfiold rnoagefield rfield of seven G C Lafferty with the thesmall thesmall tb 00esmall handicap of two easily won the theround theround th thround eround completing the eighteen holes holeseven holesevcn bole boleeveneven up His nearest competitors were wereE wereE werwerdE V Sumner Jr with two down and andA andA an dA Af Britton who turned In the same samescore samescore earn earnif Cscore Mr 1r Sumncr had a handicap Jt Jtfour if f ffourfour and Mr BrlUon was given six sixholes sixholos si sibolos aholes holesFollowing holosFollowing bolosPollowingFollowing are the scores for or the day dayMorning dayMorning dayMorningMorning Round RoundCroat RoundC RoundCriCroat C AI Iloap Set XctM et etMM Thompson 00 S 62 62W S2f 8 8vW f M Gray > 66 0 SO SOK SOYK V Simmer Jr 85 fi 80 80W 60I 5 5v 0W v 1 p Cumpton 80 C 80 80W 8 81I1U1I SVW V HJUU 101 18 8 5 3 3n 3nn C hayden 8J 8 5V 70 70O 76V 5V O Peter 79 71 S 71 71R 71R 7 7itR Kauffnmnn 103 10 17 7 68 68C B8L 8C L t rYailey 106 18 Ii 87 87O S SG 7O T Z Dunlop 87 8 12 76 76Mr 751fr 3 3Mr 5Mr Hankin 113 14 l 89 89G WO 11 11GCLaffentyG GCLaffenty C Laflcrty La1fert 84 B 81 81A 81Dritton 8 8rA Britten 05 P 8 87 87C S SC I rIIC L Marlatt Ife 16 8 81 81Afternoon 81Afternoon 8 8Afternoon IAfternoon Round RoundGrtxu Roundo RoundGwaGrtxu o Uoop Net NetM ci ciMM Thompson ftJ tk G 8 78 78WW v II Gray Bfi 6 80 80E S SY 8 8S eE V Sumncr Jr M 5 5v 76 76W 75WW v P I Compton lIIptun S6 6 70 70W i iOW v a Peter 68 8 60 60G soO 8 8C 0G T Dunlop 92 P 12 SO SOMr sor 8 8MrMr r Hankin 07 7 14 83 83A B Bnrltton 1A liritton 8 81 > 8 76 76Days 71Days 6Days Play PlayWW V C Peter PeterSuinncr 151 151E 151EE V Sumnir Jr 155 155G 155G It ItdG T Dunlop 165 165W 165r IC ICv dW r I Compton CoxiiptonM 1 15i 15iM >M Thomson 160 160VV M Gray 100 100A Ii Iiis 00 00I loA nritum ritton 118 118Mr 11nI Ii isI IiaI Mr r Itankin 1 1S 1SRain ISI IiRain aI Rain Interferes InterferesThe Interferesii The heavy ruins of the early part of oftho r rlhethe afternoon prevented W V F Ham ham R RC RC I IC 1C Hayden R Kauffmann C L Krailoy KrailoyG lirnIlo lirnIloO 11tG Lafferty and C L Marlatt all of ofwhom r rwhollwhom played In the morning from from ca catering C1terlng cr crtoning 1 toning in the afternoon afternoonInIn the handicap against bogle W WGray V M MGray 1 1GrayGray G T Dunlop W F Ham F K KHill KHIll I IIHill R C Hayden W V G Peter R RKauffmann RKauffmann I IILIKauffmann Captain Gibson J McGlll McGlllH McGillU LIH B Rowland F Hayden C F Boll BollF UollF Dcl DclF 1F DoC Faust Colonel WorthlnRtcn WorthlnRtcnDr WorthlngtcDr Vorthln tcn tcnDrDr Sterrott C L Marlatt and W P PCompton PComptonCompton declined to go over tho courso cours CENGLISB E MBLISFIMAN AN SEES HIS HISFIRST 18 18HSTFIRST GAME OF gi giccompaiiied BALL BALLAccompanied BALLAcco1npanAccompanied Acco1npan A ed by Young YoungAmerica Y YoungAmerica oung oungAlneiaicAmerica as Interpreter InterpreterQUESTIONS Interpretera tQUESTIONS a U EST I ON S UNANSWERED UNANSWEREDLittleLittle L ittle Bleacherite Keeps Up a Running RunningFire RunningFireFire But It is All Gibberish Gibberishtoto Britisher BritisherHoHo was an Englishman and ho had hadbeen hadboen badoonbeen b oon sent with a young American to tothe tothothe t he baseball grounds to learn the na national national tional t game gameJust snmeJ snmeJ snmeJust J JJust listen to tho youngster was wastho WllSthotho t he advice ho got ot when they started for forthe forthethe t he grounds Youll soon catch on onSay onSaySay began Jimmy Jlmm when they had hadgot hndsotgot g ot settled on tho bleachers and Jimmy Jimmyhad Jimmyhad Jimmyadhad h ad made a successful su cessul long distance distanceconnection distanceconnection I Ionnectionconnection c with the peanut man the theSenators theScnatorsSenators S enators are putting up a great greatgame greatgamogame g amo and were e re likely to see some something something thing t doing every minute Wonder Wonderwhos Wonderwhoswhos w hos going to be on the slab today todayAside todayAsldoAside to the man with the score card cardon cardonon o n the left Whos down to do tho thotwirling thotwlrllng1 Itwirling t Orth Thanks ThanksWhat ThnnksVhat ThanksVhatVhat do you mean 1 asked the Brit British BritIsh ish l ab visitor visitorOh visitorOh lsltor lsltorOhOh replied Jimmy I was finding findingout findlngout findhnout o ut who was going to put em over the theplate theplate th Iplate p lato Oh I largolyou lorgot you werent ercnt on I Iwas Ias I Iwaswas as asking who was going to pitch pitchHes pitchHesHes the Bowler BowlerYes BowlerYes BowlerYesYes the pitcher hos something like liketho llkethe ithe t he bowler I guess You Yoq see hes the thefellow therellow thcellowfellow f who slams the ball up to the thebatter thebatter theatterbatter b atter and the batter he tries to punch punchthe punchthe punchhothe t ho sphere spheroout out of the lot so as to make makethe makethe makehethe t he circuit circuIttho the round trip trIpgot get a run runIn runIn runni In n I mean meanOh meanOh meanOhOh you O tho batter doesnt always alwaysconnect n1wasconnect alwaysonnectconnect c But Orth la the boy that can canmake Clnmake canmakemake tho best of em fan faDstrike strike em emout emout emoutout Strike out ouU Thats putting three threegood threogood threegoodgood ones over the plate without tho thobatter thobatter thobatterbatter doing any business businessId businessId businessIdId rather be a pitcher than anybody anybodyelse anybodyelse anybodyelseelse Its great fun to do the twirling twirlingand twlrl1ngaDd twirlingandand put the benders around the bat batter battcr bater ter t er and then toss up easy ens pills that thatfool thatfool thatoolfool f ool the sluggers and then when tho thoscorer thoscorer thescorerscorer is putting up tho goose egg walk walkup walkUD walkupup to tho grandstand and take a tug at atyour atyour atyouryour cap as If you ou didnt care about aboutany aboutany aboutanyany applause applauseIts applauseUs applauseItsIts a Q great thing to be a curve ar artist artlst antist tist I tell you Just let me operate operatefrom operatetram operatefromfrom the th middle and Im all right rightHypnotizes rightHypnotizes rightHypnotizesHypnotizes Them ThemPitching ThemPItching ThemPitchingPitching isnt easy though Ive seen seenmany seeDmany seenmanymany a dewdrop operator hypnotize hypnotizecmem for eight tunings and then go way wayup woyup wayInup in the air airdo do the balloon aot aotand aotandgIve notandgive and andgivegive cm free passes and let cm punish punishhim Dunluhhim punishhimhim with all sorts of smashes until ntil the theboss theboss thebossboss yankshlm yanks1hIm out and sends in a new newman neWman newmanman to stop the slaughter slaughterEvery slaughterEvery slaughterEveryEvery twirler gets off the trolley trolleyonce trolleyonce tiolleyonceonce In a while Thats where a good goodman goodmnn goodmanman with the mitt comes In He can canhold canbold canholdhold a wild pitcher down steady and andstop andstop andstopstop the ascension and make the twirl twirlor twirler twirloror have confidence In his shoots and andcurves andcurves andcurvescurves curvesNext curvesNext curvesNextNext to pitching give mo a Job In Inthe Inthe Inthethe diamond You can see whats going goingon goingon goingonon and you get a chance to stop the thegrasscuttcrs thegrasscutlcrs thegrasacuttersgrasscuttcrs and hand em over to tho thoman thoman themanman on the Initial bag Then too tootheres tootheros tootherestheres nothing like squeezing a good goodscorching goodscorching goodscorchingscorching liner hot from the willow and anddoubling an andoubllDg anddoublingdoubling em up at second in the ninth ninthinning ninthInning ninthinninginning with all the cushions full fullLikes fullLikes fullLikesLikes the Gardens GardensPlaying GardensPlaying GardensPlayingPlaying out in one of the gardens gardensIsnt gardensIsnt gardensIsntIsnt half bad either It makes you ou feel feelmighty feelmighty I Imightymighty good to make a long chaso after afteraa line drive and yank ank it down or orrun orrunin v run runin runInin and grab one labeled safe and toss tossit tOSIlIt tos tosItit into the diamond again againYou againYou againYouYou have to keep your our eyes open for foranything roranything foranythinganything from a daisycutter to a ascreccher a8creecherto a ascreecherscreccher 8creecherto to the ropes and you cant canthave canthave canlhavehave any an glass in your arm or you cant canthope cantbope canlhopehope to head the runner off of at the tal tally tally tatcushion ly cushion cushionThe cushionTho cushionThoTho Senators are pretty well fixed I Iguess IgUCi5 FFLguess They ought to be able to put putup putUII putup Lup the rag here but they never will willThe willTheThe rag Oh thats the pennant When Whenyou Whenou Who Whoyou 1you ou get that youre oure the champs champsBut chompaDut chumpsButBut the umpires going to call order ordernow ordornow r rYounow You Just keep your eyes open and andyoull andyoull ant IItyoull see s e a real game g mo You thought thoughtthat thoughttbat thoughthat tthat was the game they wore Just Justplaying Justploylng t tplayingplaying Get out No o 7 On the level levelOh leelOh 1 1OhOh mamma they wore only gutting guttinglimbered cettlnglimbered f flImberedlimbered up This isnt marbles marblesHIIlllt marbleslliIIIItHIIlllt it out old man Say SaYaare SaYaareyou are areyou an anOU tyou OU catching on 7IMMIGRATION IMMIGRA IION FIGURES FIGURESESTABLISH FIGURESII ESTABLISH NEW RECORD RECORDTotalTotal for Fiscal Year Just Ended E ded Will Approximate One OneMillion OneMinion OneMillionMillion and May ExceeS Excee That T at FigureWhile the birth of national liberty libertywas libertywns libertywaswas being celebrated outside with Ith fire fireworks Oreworks fireworks works oratorical and otherwise Frank FrankP FrankP FrankPP Sarsont Commissioner General of ofImmigration otImmlcratlon ofImmigrationImmigration sat In his office study studyIng stud studIng studyingIng figures and gave expert opinion on onthe ontho onthethe manner in which liberty Is being beingthreatened beingthreatenod beingthreatenedthreatened by the flood of undesirable undesirablealiens undcslrablealien undesirablealiensaliens alien that is pouring in on America Amorlcaatat a recordbreaking rate rateTho rateThe rateTheThe figures aro not yet complete completebut complotebut completebutbut it is known that tho total immigra immigration ImmlgraUon imxnlgration tion for the fiscal year car ended June J ne 30 30will 30will 30willwill approximate 1000000 and may maygo maygo maygogo above that mark The largest total totalIn totalIn totalinIn any previous year was wa In 1882 when whentho whentho whenthetho total vas as 788992 Tho figures for the thefirst thefirst thefirstfirst eleven months of the year Just Justclosed JustcloDod justclosedclosed were far In excess of tho total totalfor totolror totalforfor 1882Last years tremendous total is partly partlyaccounted partlyaccounted partlyaccountedaccounted for forby by the fear that Congrosg Congrosgwould Congrosewould Congrosswouldwould add an educational requirement to tothe tothe tothethe immigration law and the desire do 1re of ofIgnorant otIgDorant ofignorantIgnorant foreigners to set ct in before it itbecame Itbecame itbecamebecame operative The hint that Con Congress Congress Congross gress will so amend the law at the thecoming thecoming thecomingcoming session Is still being used by bysteamship bysteamship bysteamshipsteamship companies to encourage im immigration Immigration tntmigration j migration and swell their receipts receiptsAliens rocelptsAliens receiptsAliensAliens who come chiefly from southern southernEurope southerDEurope southernEuropeEurope continue to poUr in at a rate ratewhich rntowhich ratewhIchwhich if kept up will eclipse the rec record record rocord ord of the year Just ended endedThe cndedThe endedTheThe time has come to stop this un undesirable desirable immigration said Mr Sar Sargent Sargont Sangoat gent If Congress does not provide providemore povldcDlore pnovideatonemore strict regulations and restrlc restrlctloas restrlctions tions for alien immigration than we now nowhavo no nohavo nowhavehavo the future holds great dangers dangersfor dangersCor dangersforfor our country our Institutions and andour andour andourour liberty l1bcrIISOME FEATURES OF OFTHE OFTHE OFTHETHE AUTO A UTO CUP RACE RACEZfenatzky RA CE CES CEenatzIy E EenatzkJS Zfenatzky enatzkJ an au Eleventh Hour SubstituteIn the winning of the international internationalcupcup c up there existed a most peculiar state stateof stateor statefof o f affairs and another year It would wouldseem wouldseem wouldeemseem s eem necessary to revise the rules in insuch Insuch Inuchsuch s uch a manner as to insure impossible impossiblea impossibleropetitiona repetition of this mixed composition compositionofof o f a team teamJonatzy team1onatzy teamJenatzyJonatzy was an eleventh hour substi substitute substitute substiute tute t ute is a Belgian who vho lives most of the thetime thetime theimetime t ime in Paris and drove a car owned by byan bynn bynan a n American It is true that the ma machine machine mahine chine c hine was made in inGormany inGormanySurely Germany GermanySurely rmany rmanySurelSurely Surel tho ethics of international sport sportshould sportshould sporthouldshould s render Illogical anything of this thisvaried thsynrled thisariedvaried v aried nature in the combination of ofman ofmannd man manand manandand a aa nd machine In automoblllng these two twoare twoare tworeare a re inseparable and to have a machine machinerepresent machinerepresent machineepresentrepresent r a country and be driven by a aforeigner aforolgner aoreignerforeigner f is far from what m must ust have haveboon hayeboon haveoonboon b oon in the mind of the donor of the thetrophy thetrophy therophytrophy trophyThe trophyThe t rophyTheThe Americans did not make much cf cfa cta atshowinga showing but there had not been any anyvast anyvast anyastvast v ast amount of confidence in what they theywould theywould theyouldwould w ould do since they were plainly at the tbogreatest tbegreatest thereatestwggreatest g reatest disadvantage of all ll the teams teamsOn teamsOn teamsnOn O n tho other side automobile sport has hasbaen hasbeen haseenbeen b een In progress for years and this has hasgivon hasglvon hasivengivon g iven opportunity for the acquisition of ofexperience ofexperience alxperienceexperience e in quantities far in excess o othe 0the of ofhethe t he limited practice enjoyed by tho thoAmerican thoAmerlcan theAmericanAmerican drivers driversItIt must be admitted however that a alarge alarge aargelarge l arge number would like to see what whatOldfleld whatOldfield whatOldfieldOldfield could do pitted against the best bestthat bestthat besthatthat t hat Europe can produce and another anotheryear anotheryear anotherearyear y ear this may be brought about aboutIt abouIt aboutItIt is a fact that has been often re repeated repCltcd ropcated peated during the past few days concern concerning concernIng concernng ing i ng the short periods In which our ourdrivers ourdriversdrivers had to become acquainted with withtheir wltbtheir withheir Itheir t machines Any complicated piece plocPOUCEIEN POUEMEtill ACCUSED ACCUSEDOF ACCUSEDOFOF till SOLICITING BRIBES BRIBESSaid BRIBESSaid BRIBESSaidSaid to Have Approached ApproachedApplicants ApproachedApplicants AppioachedApplicantsApplicants for Positions PositionsAPPOINTMENTS PositionsAPPO PositionsAPPOINTMENTSAPPOINTMENTS APPO JTMENTS NOW HELD UP UPAllegation UPAllegation UPAllegationAllegation That They Asked 125 for forInfluence forInfluence forInfluenceInfluence to Obtain an a Easy EasyJob Easyb EasyJobJob b for Applicant ApplicantThe ApplicantThe ApplicantTheThe appointment of two wo candidates for forthe rorthe forthethe the police force has been held up by the theofficials theofficials theomclalsofficials of the department on account acco account Dt of ofcharges otchargcB ofchargescharges preferred against two privates privatesinin the department on the ground that thatthey thatthey thattheythey approached the two wouldbe po policemen policemen pohicemen licemen with a proposition to assist thorn thornto thomto thorntoto obtain desirable positions on the force forceIn forcein forceiaIn return for or U5 125 The District officials officialsaro officIalsare officialsareare now considering the accusations and andin andIn andinin the event of a specific charge being beingmade beingm2de beingmademade the alleged offenders may bo boprosecuted boprosecuted beprosecutedprosecuted prosecutedThe prosecutedThe prosecutedTheThe accused policemen are J A Mar Martin MarUn Martin tin of the First precinct prccID precinqt t and J 1 L LGillette LGillette LGilletteGillette of the Second precinct The Thecandidates Thei Thecandidatesi candidates whose appointments were wereheld wereheld wereheldheld up up p are A S Corns and J 1 E Arm Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong strong who recently passed the physical physicaland physIcaland physicalandand mental requirements for positions positionsonon the force forceIt torceIt forceItIt is alleged that these men com compensated compensated cornpensated pensated the two policemen who are as assigned assigned assigned signed to street crossings for supposed supposedinfluence 5upposedInfiuence supposedinfluenceinfluence In pushing their applications applicationsThe appllcnUonsTheThe accused a cused privates will be taken before beforeMajor beforelIajor iMajor Sylvester tomorrow to face the thecharges thecharges thucharges icharges chargesMajor chargeslaJor chargesMajorMajor laJor Sylvester now believes the trou trouble trouble trouhue ble to be due to the boasting manner of ofthe otthe ol olthethe two patrolmen who are known to tohave tohnte tchavehave spoken of their pull on several severaloccasions sevoralocculo sevora sevoraoccasionsoccasions occulo s Both will probably be dis dismissed dlsmlsBud dismissed missed from the service serviceThe serviceThe serviceTheThe alleged deal was brought to the theattention theaUention thiattentionattention of Major Sylvester by b a news newcpaper neWGI newspaperpaper man The Th Superintendent was in informed Intormed formed that the applicants had paid II 125 1 to the street crossly police policeman Dollceman policeman man with the understanding that thatproper thatproper tha thaproperproper influence would be brought to tobear tobear t tbearbear to have the new recruit given con congenial congenIal congenial genial duties after he had been ap appointed appolntod appointed pointed to tho foite fOI e It was further un understood undontood tindorstood derstood that the application should be beplaced beplaced bi biplncedplaced before the officials in a favorable favorablelight favorablelIht favorabhili5htlight lightThe lIhtThe li5htTheThe question has now arisen as to towhether towhether U Uwhetherwhether the department d partmlnt has been sub subjected subjected subjected jected to such irregularities Irro ularlthls in past pastyears pastyears pits pitsyearsyears From the developments so far farhowever rarhoovor farhoweverhowever Major Sylvester believes belh e8 the thepresent theprosent thi thipresentpresent cases arc the first He is in inclined Inclined indined clined to ridicule the stupidity of the thetwo thetwo tb Stwo applicants In supposing they could couldbe couItlbe eachbe 1be assisted by b the policemen He is also alsoof nlsoI ala alaofI I of the opinion that the complications complicationswill complicationihlIwill will ihl work themselves out without se serious seriou8 serious rious trouble1 1orof mechanism runs tho more smoothly smoothlyand smoothband smoothlyandand suroly after a time than when hen it itfirst itfirst itfirstfirst emerges from the shop shopAH shopAll shopAllAll three Americans had difficulties difficultieswith dlfficulUeswith difflcultleswithwith their cars and the result may be bathe bethe bethethe usual outburst In the foreign trade tradepapers tradopapors tradepaporspapors about the th Inability of our makers makersto makersto makerstoto turn out a perfect car Incidentally Incidentallyitit will be forgotten that two of the three threeMercedes threeIorcedcs threeMercedesMercedes machines gave out under tho thosevere thosevere theseveresevere strain strainIt straInIt strainItIt must have been a source of the thegreatest thegreatest thegreatestgreatest regret in England that the just justly jus jusIy justly ly popular Jarrott mot with an accident accidentthat cldenl cldenlthat cidentthatthat put him out of the running This Thisdriver ThIsdriver Thisdriverdriver owing to his familiarity with the thecourse thccourse thecoursecourse had been rated as possessing possessingshade a ashade a ashadeshade of advantage Edge lost years yearslucky yearslucky yearsluckylucky winner was simply beaten by the thesurvivors thesunlvors thesurvivorssurvivors Stocks banged Into a hedge hedgeand hedgeand hedgeandand this put his machine out of busi busiThe business bustnessness nessTho nessTheThe entire French trio completed com > leted tho thorace thorace theracerace and the advocates of Panhard and andMors andMors andMarsMors will continue to argue of proven provenspeed protenspeed provenspeedspeed and reliability rellablllt Gabriel the Par ParisBordeaux ParIsBordeaux ParisBordeaux isBordeaux hero supplied agroat 8 groat fin finish finIsh finlab ish but his first round of the course coursekilled coursekilled coursekilledkilled whatever chance he had of win winning wInning winning ning De Knyff Kny1Ithat that veteran of fast fastmotoring fastmotorInggave fastmotoringgavemotoring motorInggave gave the BelgianGerman In Inhis Inhis Inhishis Americanowned German car the thehardest thah1rdest thehardesthardest fight of all though thoug Farman Farmannearly Farmannoarly Farmannearlynearly robbed the pioneer of his honors honorsThe honorsThe honorsTheThe absence of Fournlcr from the theFrench theFrench theFrenchFrench French team was a disappointment dls DIJOlntment but butGabriel butGabriel butGabrielGabriel being the most recent idol Idd of oftho ottho ofthotho French people the Mors concern had hadscarcely hadscarcely badscarcelyscarcely any alternative but to pick himA M REED CAPTURES CAPTURESINDEPENDENCE CAPTURESINDEPENDENCE CAPTURESINDEPENDENCEINDEPENDENCE CUP CUPMANCHESTER CUPIA CliPMANCHESTEILMANCHESTER IA CHESTER Vt July 4 4The The finals finaleIn finalsInIn the open golf tournament at the theEkwanok theEkwanok theEkwanokEkwanok country club course for the theIndependence theIndependenceIndependence cup went cnl to A M Reed Reedof Reedor Reedofof Ekwanok who beat W WJ C Carnegie Carnegiethe Carnegiethe Carnegiethethe wellknown St Andrews golfer by6 up and 5 to play For the consolation consolationcup consolaUoncup consolationcupcup D II Thacher Ekwanok beat F C CBrown CBrown CBrownBrown of the Dyker Meadow Golf Club4 up and 2 to play playTURF pIn pInTURF playTURFTURF COMPANY TRUSTEE TRUSTEEST TRUSTEESTST LOUIS pUIS July 4 4At At a meeting of ofcreditors atcreditors 01creditorscreditors of the E J 1 Arnold Turf In Investment Investment Investment vestment Concern Solomon lu L Swarts Swartswas gwartswas wart8 wart8waswas chosen a trustee under the pro provisions provisions nrovisions visions of the bankruptcy law lawLOCAL lawLOCAL lawLOCALLOCAL MENTION MENTIONHotel MENTiONHotel t tHotelHotel Johnson Cafes CafesDont CafesDonjt CafesDontDont forget for t we e hare all the choice sea C1 food foodtrom foodfrom foodfromfrom Chesapeake Bay n t and other tributaries direct directfrom directfrom directfromfrom the catchers and M the finest lof of Near eU York Yorlcmeats Yorkmeats Yorkmeatsmeats choice fruits etc Service a la hi carte carteaiJday ClUtemidday cartemiddaymidday lunch and table dhote dinner finest finestproducts flnestproduC finmtproductsproducts produC lifetime experience experienceShaffers aperlcnceShaffers caperienceShaffersShaffers Flowers Are Artistically ArtisticallyArrange ArtisticallyArranged ArtisticailytrrangodArrange for all occasions llth and I IHats IHats IHatsHats Cleaned CleanedBleached Bleached Blocked BlockedStraw BlockedStraw BlockedStrawStraw and Derbies 25c Panamas Felts Silks Silkslowest SIlkslowest SIlksluweatlowest price Empire Co 029 F st nw nwBay nwBay awBayBay Ridge RidgeOPENS RidgeopEs RidgeOPENSOPENS aCNE J E 13 Best Bathing Batbin on Chesapeake ChesapeakeBajr ChesapeakeBay ChspeskcBayBay Hotel open Before deciding on summer summerresort aummcrresort sumniesresortresort send for circular CEO B BUFFHAXY BUFFHAXYBay BUFFILYBay BUFFILSYBayBay Ridge RidgeGarment RidgeGarment RidgeGarmentGarment Cleaning Pressing Dyeing DyeingBy DyeingyBy y the Empire Co 629 F O st nw DI gives i1S satis 83tlsfaction satisfaction I Ifactionfaction in quality and price priceThe priceThe priceTheThe Finest Best Boards Made WideV WideVAll Wide WidetilAll 11 one width one length len h 1CS l S per per 100 squarefeet squanifeet square quueffeet f t F LlbbQr Ubbe Co 6th and X Y arc arcDarbys areDarbys aceDarbyiDarbys Ice Cream Is Best BestOrder BestOrOOr BestOrderOrder by phone Main 572 720 1Q 13th at atEverybody atEverybody atEverybodyEverybody Buys Lumber From Libbey LibbeyCo LibbelPromptJ Co Q Prompt delivery 6th Uthand and X Y are areRosenf anRosenfe1ds aceRosenfeldsRosenf Rosenfe1ds elds Pure Ice Creams CreamsSherbets CreamsSherbet CreamsSherbetsSherbets for lawn parties and excursions brine brinefood brl brlood bnin 8 8goodfood ood results get our prices 812 U st ne nePhone nePbone nePhonePhone East S06A S06ALow S06 S06Low 306ALowLow Lumber Prices Talk TaIkt7S TaIkt7SFlooring Taikz75Flooring 175 175FlooringFlooring one width i b kiln dried bright brightLibbey brightUb brightUbyLibbey Ub y Co Ihonc East E t S43 S43j S4hHark C CHarkj Hark I Sweltering Summer Is Near NearI Near NearYotherYother tont put off haing haviaghabys baby pioture pioturetaken pieturtaken ataken Were experts In childrens pfetures pfeturesKerfoot pfvturcs pfvturcsl ploturciKerfootI Kerfoot l erioot Artistic Photca SC5 Pa are nw nwChinese nwChinese nwChineseChinese Mandrain ducks BchmMa ohmida 712 12 12th 12thWe 12thWe IthWeWe have a complete stock of lamp shades aliadriI lldrs818 12th th C A Muddiman J Co 1201 L4 t G GGenuine GGenuiDe IGenuine 55 5 6 and 7 Sample Shoes ShoesThree ShoesThrte SboeThree IThree hundred hund styles at 283 on Keens KeeneStora Eeenea SUx SUxStore Ste 4 4StuigStore SOS OS G Street noivn noJ mcsL e alt te tARUNGTON BREWING CO COaa i ROSSLYPIVA Psoiifv1ETIa9 c cGENU1NGEIlUINE PLEASURE PLEASURECOMES PLEASURECOMESCOMES FROM DRINKING DRINKINGAugustina DRINKINGAugustina Augustina AugustinaOlJR Augustinaf fII IScientificallyOlJR 0111 DARK BEER BEERScientifically BEEIScientifically pure as asproven asprovenproven by chemical chemicaltest chemicalSS test Fully matured maturedbefore maturedbeforebefore placed on sale saleArlington saleArlingtonArlington Brewing Co CoRosslyn Cott Rosslyn V Va Va1A1A ft ftss a 5CONSUMPTION WAS WASKILLING WASKILLING WASKILLINGKILLING ME MLI MEII WAS IN A MOST MOSTDEPLORABLE MOSTDEPLORABLE MOSTDEPLORABLEDEPLORABLE CONDITIONiThis This Apparatus Has Cured Cur d Ml MrI MrWhen MlCompletely titlCompletelyCompletely CompletelyWhen J JWhenWhen I went to the offices of o the tboochKoch och Lung Cure at 730 Eleventh Streetnorthwest Washington D C I waajn wns wasn a S 1 1mostmost deplorable condition Indeed1 had pains in my lungs lun s a severe severeccugh Scyereccugb severeccugbccugb had lost much flesh I wheezed wheezedwith whe wheezedwith ed edwltlwith almost every breath and had alltl1 the other terrible symptoms of ofihls thisdread disease diseaseII W was 5 discouraged of ever gettingany nn relief much less being cured and J Jonly Jonl Ionlyonly onl too plainly realized what my fate fatevrould faterould fatewouldwould be unless I could find lDd some treat treatment treatment treatmeat ment which would do more for me thantho stomach medicines I had been talc ing iu which seemed only to weaken mystomach just at the time when I most mostneeded mastneeded mostneededneeded It in its best working order orderTheThe Koch physicians made a careful carefuloxrmlnatlon carefuTeumiDation carefulexrminationoxrmlnatlon of my lungs and I started start t2the Tuberculino Inhalation Treat Treatment Treatm6nt Treatmant ment After breathing the antiseptic antisepticanil ant1septca antiseptIcanJanil a healing oily vapors directly Into myair pipes and lungs I began to ImproveI proceeded with the treatment and nowI i am entirely well wellAs wellAs wellAsAs a proof that my consumption hasbeen entirely cured I wtsh to say thatI have not no had the slightest symptom of otthe Ofthathe disease for a year but have remainedin excellent health ever since my dis discharge discharge discharge charge by the Koch Lung Cure at 730Eleventh Street northwest Washington ashlngton ashlngtonAllAll who will call at my residence In InBrcntwood InBrcntwood inBrentwoodBrcntwood can an have the above facts factsplainly tac tacvlalnly factsplainlyplainly proven to them by my neighbors neighborswho neighborswho neighborswhowho will certify to my previous condi condition ond ondton ondIon ton t on of o health and by my present ap appearance apcarance appearance pearance carance and condition which will cer certainly certainly ocrainly tainly t prove what I say about my case caseTO caseThTor reach my house take a Riverdale car carond carDnd carsadsad get off ot at Henry Street Brentwood BrentwoodNELLIE BrentwoocNELLIE BrentwoodNELLIENELLIE MILLER MILLERBrentwood MILLERBrentwood MILLERBrentwoodBrentwood D C CBeverages Cssssssss 0 s ess s t tGODling ss sses ssesCOolloGODling COollo COolloBeverages 1 1fBeverages BeveragesToKalon BeveragesStfrSt 4 ToKalon ToKalonPunch ToKalonPunch ToKalonPunchPunch PunchIsi erage e par excel 4 4madeL t 1eMc It is easilY VSSiIymademade we e furnish furnishformula fcm lh lhthe i1 the formula formulaClaret formulaCbnt formulala l Claret and White WhiteWine WhitePunchandtWine Vine far PuncUaad PuncUaadSangaree PunchandSangareeSangaree SangareeSal Sangareea Punchandt11 5 Sal Sa I BotSOc BotSOcBlackberry Bat SOe t tBlackberry tLL 9 Blackberry Brandy Brandyand Brandyandand Cordial for forBowel forI fI Bowel Complaints Complaints40cPt Complaints40e Complaints40c d for a few days daJS on fl thick rice ricewater ricewater ricewaterwater strained and s stened t ten d with con condensed ccndensed eondenscd densed milk4 When eared gradually 11Iuhmll substitute scald scalded 5 amided ld ldcd ed fresh milk milkTb milkTo milkToTo th the Public PublicSCALD IubUeSCALD PublicSCALDSCALD ALL MILK MILKParticularly MilKlArtlcuIarly MILKParticularlyParticularly for children sad persons In Inimpaired 1aImpalrld isimpairedimpaired health SonWissr HIm will not no notenfere in interfere interim terfere with its diRestbttity and me will de destroy destroy d dstrsy stroy all dangerous daa dangerow row germs sennsAttcr germsArter ftIIIS ftIIISoterAttcr Arter oter scalding keep cool and covered coveredSOCIETY eo eoSOCIETY coceredSOCIETYSOCIETY FOR PREVENTION PREVENTIONOFOF SICKNESS SICKNESSWe SICKNE S SWeWe favor a MrimcwirHaw I t Hi1W prohIbiting the thesale thesale thesalesale or ue se e In ic lee cream of any CttEAit CttEAitnot CRUtnot CtE1Znstnot Pasteurized PasteurizedTrousers 1 lstotszsdTrousers > JlSt zed zedTrousersTrousers TrousersTOTO ORDER ORDERActual ORDERActual ORDERActualActual 100 3500 500 and 600 quality qualitySERGES qualilSERGES quaiitySERGESSERGES AND STRIPED WORSTEDS WORSTEDSGET4275 275UflD re reHORNHORN UflD Tjle 637F 637FaET qiiumi T Tailor r w wGETGET OUT OUTthat 4 4that Ithatthat disabled Bicycle Dlcclephono phono as to tocall tocall tocallcall for expertly repair ropalrand and return returnit returnItit This is the ideal time for an anevenine nnecnln aneveningevening ecnln spin splae spinIe I T 7 I1UN7ED HflNTFE IIJPA IlIl 113 PA AYE sr wI 111U1M 1 I Ct1 t Puonfe East 454 eg E01 801Y 801YflEL Y YWANT YrWrW WANT WANTHELP NT2 NT2BB HELP HELPAn flEL flELAn e eAnAn uad ad in The Times Timesalways Timesalways Timesalwaysalways brings satisfac satisfactory satisfactory satisfactory tory results resul ts 2ff7e9595c