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Metal Semiconductor Contacts Rhoderick Pdf 15 2022 [New]

Paper presented at: Semiconductor Physics and Devices and Chips , University of Maryland, College Park, June 13–15, 1992. . Figure 1: Contact resistance (Rc) versus applied forward voltage (Vf) for N-, P-, and N-channel metal-semiconductor contacts. The high resistance values of the P-channel contacts (dashed curve) and the low values of the N-channel contacts (dotted curve) are readily evident. The purpose of the metal-semiconductor contact is to provide an ohmic contact from the substrate to a . . Figure 1: Contact resistance (Rc) versus applied forward voltage (Vf) for N-, P-, and N-channel metal-semiconductor contacts. The high resistance values of the P-channel contacts (dashed curve) and the low values of the N-channel contacts (dotted curve) are readily evident. The purpose of the metal-semiconductor contact is to provide an ohmic contact from the substrate to a . .Q: How to pass a pointer to a pointer from python to c++ I'm trying to pass a pointer from python to c++ and back, but after calling the c++ function the pointer is uninitialized (the value is zero). // BUG: list_test_set_value() returns zero int test_set_value(PyObject *pobj, int32_t set_value) { PyObject *pob_list = NULL; PyObject *pob_set = NULL; PyObject *pob_value = NULL; ListTest *ptr = NULL; pob_list = PyList_New(1); pob_set = PySet_New(set_value); // dereferencing the list yields null pointers pob_value = PyList_GetItem(pob_list, 0); // pob_value is dereferenced and then returned to python, // so there are no problems with dereferencing the return value ptr = new ListTest(); ptr->list = pob_list; ptr->set = p ac619d1d87

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